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Estimated road traffic death rate 交通事故死発生率(人口10万人あたり)
1 Libya 73.4
2 Thailand 36.2
3 Malawi 35.0
4 Liberia 33.7
5 Democratic Republic of the Congo 33.2
6 United Republic of Tanzania 32.9
7 Central African Republic 32.4
8 Rwanda 32.1
9 Iran 32.1
38 South Africa 25.1
42 Vietnam 24.5
52 Malaysia 24.0
67 Myanmar 20.3
73 Russia 18.9
74 China 18.8
89 India 16.6
95 Indonesia 15.3
112 Mexico 12.3
114 Korea 12.0
120 USA 10.6
122 Philippines 10.5
151 Canada 6.0
152 New Zealand 6.0
155 Australia 5.4
162 Japan 4.7
169 Singapore 3.6
175 United Kingdom2.9
Intentional homicide rate殺人発生率(人口10万人あたり)
Honduras 84.6
South Africa 33.6
Brazil 24.6
Philippines 9.9
USA 3.9
Thailand 3.9
Vietnam 3.3
India 3.2
Malaysia 2.3
Canda 1.4
Australia 1.0
UK 0.9
New Zealand0.9
China 0.8
Korea 0.7
Indonesia 0.5
Singapore 0.3
Japan 0.3
Estimated number of guns per capita by country(人口1万人あたり保有数)
1 United States 112.6
2 Serbia 75.6
3 Yemen 54.8
4 Switzerland 45.7
5 Cyprus 36.4
6 Saudi Arabia 35.0
7 Iraq 34.2
8 Uruguay 31.8
9 Sweden 31.6
10 Norway 31.3
11 France 31.2
12 Canada 30.8
13 Austria 30.4
14 Iceland 30.3
15 Germany 30.3
16 Finland 27.5
17 Oman 25.5
18 Bahrain 24.8
19 Kuwait 24.8
20 Macedonia 24.1
162 Japan 6.0
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